Tuesday, February 26, 2019

March Scripture Writing Plan--I AM

*A printable link is located at the bottom of this post.

I started this new year with a purpose of being intentional in growing in different areas of my life. One of those areas is reading my Bible, but I didn't want to read for the sake of saying I read. I wanted to be intentional in learning and digging a little deeper. I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle that with everything else.

I've always liked the Scripture Writing Plans I'd seen on Pinterest. I had pinned several over the years, but never incorporated them into my bible reading. In January, I decided to do one and just see how I liked it. Well, it turns out I LOVED it!

I made a commitment for that month to lay aside social media and my phone in general at bed time and take that time to do my daily reading. I was surprised at how much I came to look forward to this time every night, and how much peace I had. With the small but intentional act of reading my bible every night, I was reminded of how important it is to my spiritual growth.

As February approached, I knew I had to find a new scripture writing plan. My sweet friends recommended some great plans and I picked one, but the Lord was already showing me so much in January and I really wanted to be able to share it.

I started making notes of scriptures relating to God's promises with the thought of writing a bible study. Then, I felt the nudge to take those notes and make my own scripture writing plan for March. But His ways are not our ways and I couldn't get past the feeling that there was more.

I was SO excited to share "His promises are I WILL" as the March writing plan, but I heard that still, small (persistent) voice in my head saying, "Before you (they) know what I will do, you (they) need to know who I AM." Ok Lord, I hear you. That back-and-forth conversation about one month of scripture writing turned into four months of scripture writing plans.

After we journey into I AM and I Will, we will look at ourselves and see what the bible has to say about us by learning who HE says YOU ARE and what YOU WILL do as believers of Christ.

I hope you'll take this journey with me. I will be completing each of these plans as if someone else wrote them for me to learn from. I've never done this before and I'm no theologian. I'm just a crazy-busy wife, mom, and student who is trying to be more disciplined. With that said, I may have made some mistakes. I tried to keep the verses from 1-5 daily. Some days the scriptures are back-to-back in the same chapter. I split them up when I felt each section needed special emphasis.

So friends--grab a notebook, pen, your bible, and this printable. Then, join me and let's be intentional in our growth.

Click the link below to download a free printable version:

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