Friday, August 3, 2018

When Life Feels Like a Big Mess

This is a true story straight from my family’s crazy life. It is a few years old, but when I came across it today; it spoke straight to my heart once more. I decided to share it just as I wrote it then:

Through a messy situation yesterday, God spoke straight to my soul. This story is about a 3-year-old and poop. Yep, poop! So, if you can’t handle poop stories, feel free to scroll on now but if you can, read on. You will laugh, but hopefully you will receive the message through the mess.

Potty training hasn’t come easy for our youngest one, which means the process has been trying for mom and dad also. We were at the mall when she says she has to potty. Ok, no problem. I take her while dad and big sister go to the next store.

Somehow, I do not realize she has already pooped (I warned you) as I am helping her onto the toilet. Let’s just say we had a mess!! Now, let me insert this. Said 3-year-old cannot stand ANYTHING on her that is not supposed to be there. A stray piece of hair can attach itself to her fingers and she will start screaming.

So, here we are in a public bathroom stall. We are in a MESS! She is having a fit. She does not know what to do. This is not a simple fix. Her voice is frantic. Mine is this calm I can’t explain because I am telling you that it was not a pretty situation.

The conversation went something like this:

Miracle 2: Mama, it’s a mess!! It’s a mess!!

Me: I know sweetheart. It is, but I am going to take care of it.

Miracle 2: Mama, please fix it! Get it off!

Me: Sweet girl, look at mama’s eyes. Do you trust me?

Miracle 2: Yeah

Me: Ok, then trust that I know what I am doing. I am going to fix this. You’ve got to sit still and let Mama take care of the mess. I know what I am doing.

Miracle 2: Ok, but it’s a BIG MESS!

Me: Yes, it is but I can, and I will fix it.

As I am talking to her, I’m telling you right in the middle of our big mess I felt like God was showing me that’s how we can be. We have this huge mess (life situations) that is really bad. We don’t know how to fix it on our own. We ask God to help us, but then we keep telling him how big our mess is.



He just needs us to TRUST that HE KNOWS what He is doing.

Sometimes that requires us to sit still and wait patiently. He will get us through those situations that seem hopeless.

We just have to trust.