Thursday, January 12, 2017

For the Love of Butter

We are an on-the-go family.
I don't sit still for long. Just ask my husband, he tells me often that I need to learn to relax.
Is that even a possible skill to learn?
Busy or not, we have to eat. I love a good, family meal that includes everyone sitting together at the dinner table.
I also enjoy trying new food.
My husband, he can cook! They say firefighters have this skill and are notorious for their fire house meals. I don't know about other firefighters, but mine has the skills! 
I love cooking but he takes things to a new level, so I certainly don't mind handing over the kitchen to him.
My sister leads a very healthy lifestyle. I never mind being her guinea pig when she makes a new dish.
I just love food, but I do try to eat all that bad-for-me-stuff in moderation.
But, I must admit somedays...SOME DAYS...I need starch and buttuh' !!!
Do y'all know what buttuh' is??!!
Smooth, creamy, bad, bad, bad for you.
Yes, that stuff.
I need it in epic proportions. You know, Paula Deen-sized proportions.
I need to sit on my couch with a big bowl of grits. Y'all know what grits are, right? If you don't, you need to.
Anyhow, grits...a really big bowl of them covered in butter. Then, add 2 fried eggs cooked in butter. Top it off with a glass of sweet tea.
My, oh my!
What is your favorite comfort food?