Thursday, July 28, 2016

Messy Memories

I’ve always heard “A little dirt won’t hurt.” At our house it seems to go a bit more like:

A little paint (all over the table) won’t hurt.
A little tea (spilled on the floor) won’t hurt.
A little cheese (dry, hard & old) won’t hurt.
A little crafty stuff (everywhere) won’t hurt.

My dining room table is a work of art where the piece changes landscapes with each new project. It started with an accident where I (yep, not a kiddo) got a bit of pink paint on the table years ago. I left it there as a reminder that life happens. It’s an OLD painted wood table that was once a pretty baby blue color. My mom painted it a nice coffee-with-cream color before it came to live with us. As time has gone by, the cream has chipped in places and you can see the blue—along with all the other colors we’ve added while creating. I mean, seriously, who has time to cover the table with a tablecloth or something when your mind is racing to create?!

Just last week, my oldest decided to create a design on paper using a black Sharpie. Let’s just say despite our cleaning efforts, the design is also now a part of our table. Just yesterday, she was creating something and now there are little white, aqua, pink, blue and maybe even red specks accentuating last week’s Sharpie design. They will come off but I’m not in a panic to make it happen.

Did you catch my phrase: A little tea (spilled on the floor) won’t hurt?
It doesn’t have to be tea. It is anything in liquid form that my youngest can spill. We aren’t really talking tea here; well sometimes. Mostly, we are talking about little teapots, little teacups, bowls from the pretend kitchen and endless tea party sets she has accumulated. She fills them up with water quicker than I can get the first spill cleaned.

Mr. Handsome recently upgraded us to a side-by-side fridge. Yep, the one with the water dispenser in the door. Don’t even suggest that I can put the thing on lock. I’m raising Little Einstein’s ‘round here. She has worked around that and has tea party debating skills that would make my lawyer friend’s heads spin.

Let’s move on: A little cheese (dry, hard, and old) won’t hurt.
By now, you know this is about more than cheese. My oldest dreams of being on Chopped for Kids or any show like that. Most days this summer she has cooked her own breakfast. I am more than willing to make it for her, but she is like her mama and has the need to create. So, I let her with the understanding that clean-up is part of the creating. True to being a perfect mix of her mother and father, she is like her daddy when it comes to cooking. She finds it necessary to make use of every pot and every utensil possible. An admitted fact from my man about himself, by the way. One that I gladly accept if it means I get to enjoy his amazing cooking creations. So, why did I say dry, hard and old cheese? Because, even after all her cleaning attempts, and she really works hard—I will find remaining evidence of her cooking escapades every time.
She has a new love for making food in the waffle maker. She has even used it to make eggs. However, her favorite thing to make in the waffle maker is a cheese quesadilla. Thus, you can imagine what I mean by dry, hard and old cheese.

And….I saved the best for last: A little crafty stuff (everywhere) won’t hurt.

Ah, yes.
As I am typing, I look up to see a yellow, round pom-pom thingy, some dried balls of hot glue, tiny scraps of paper, a basket of craft paints, crayons, markers, pens, coloring books, beads and so forth all within my reach or within a few steps. My dining room has become a craft room even though we have a craft closet. Before one project is complete and cleaned up, another project is in the works.

Why am I telling you this?
Is it so you can make certain we never come to craft or cook at your house?
No, because 1) I eliminated that invitation just by posting this. Ha-ha, just kidding, and 2) I do teach my kids to respect our belongings and most especially those of others. If they do something like painting with their Nana they know they better put something on her table to protect it. She isn’t trying to remember that life happens via some paint marks on her dining room table. That would be crazy, right?!

I’m telling you because even though I’ve spent this summer or my entire parenthood cleaning spills, discovering dried particles of food in the least likely places, and relinquishing my beloved crafting supplies to my children—I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Before you panic, we don’t live in a house where mold is growing or bugs are roaming because of food waste (and I do scrub the table). My kids aren’t even allowed to have drinks anywhere but the dining room or kitchen; occasionally the living room when we do something like a movie night. They hear me say “Make sure you clean that up when you’re done” more times than I care to admit. Some days I drive my own self crazy trying to keep things in order and some days I just say forget it. I love an orderly home but I am learning that I can’t let it control me, us.

I want to spend my child raising years enjoying making memories with my kids. I want them to be creative. I want them to understand that life really does happen. I don’t want to lose my temper over drink spills. Sometimes I do and it is never worth it. I want to allow them space to learn, grow, love, and be loved. If that means making memories with messes, then so be it.

When my husband has the time to create our beautifully planned farmhouse table, I will protect it well. Until then, we will continue to make memories and messes on our coffee-with-cream-and-paint-splattered table. I encourage you to take time to make memories, even if they are messy. There will always be something waiting to be cleaned. There will always be cooking and laundry. I realize those things have to get done, but we can easily obsess about them. This time with our children is precious and will pass all too quickly.

Take a break. Make a mess. Make lasting memories.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

A few days ago This Chick spent a few hours with the Miracles making Homemade Cinnamon Rolls while That Dude did some work and the Dog (Dela) stared at us from her view on the back porch between the window panes of the french doors. She can be at the far back of the yard, yet instinctively she knows when we start cooking.

We used a recipe from our Watkins Vanilla Classic Recipes Cookbook. Therefore, some ingredients call for Watkins brand products. We did not use those products. We used what we had on-hand and still had amazing results.

 My advice after making these:

1. Make sure you read the directions first. There are several times that you will have waiting time while your dough rises.

2. Gather all your ingredients first and measure them out. To me, this makes the process much smoother.

3. If you prefer a thicker and sweeter icing, consider making your own cream cheese icing instead of the glaze used in this recipe. We LOVED these cinnamon rolls, but all agreed that cream cheese icing would have been amazing!

*I will include a basic cream cheese icing below the cinnamon roll recipe. It is delicious and very simple.

Homemade Cinnamon Roll Ingredients

4 ¼ to 4 ¾ cups all-purpose flour, divided

1 package quick-rising active dry yeast

1 ¼ cups plus 4 to 5 teaspoons milk, divided

¼ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup (½ stick) plus 6 tablespoons butter, softened, divided

2 teaspoons Watkins vanilla, divided

5 teaspoons Watkins ground cinnamon, divided

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

½ cup packed brown sugar

1 cup powdered sugar


Combine 1 ½ cups flour and yeast in large bowl, set aside.

In saucepan, heat 1 ¼ cups milk, granulated sugar, ¼ cup butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and salt just until mixture is warm (120 F to 130 F), stirring constantly.
Add this to the flour mixture along with the eggs. Beat with an electric mixer at low speed for 30 seconds, scraping side of bowl often. Beat at high speed for 3 minutes.

Stir in as much remaining flour as possible with spoon (dough will be soft). Knead in enough remaining flour to form moderately soft dough, 3 to 5 minutes total. Shape dough into a ball; place in lightly greased bowl, turning once. Cover and let rise in warm place about 1 to 1 ½ hours until double in size. (Dough is ready to shape when you can lightly press two fingers ½ inch into dough and indentation remains.) Punch down dough and divide in half. Place each half on lightly floured surface and smooth into a ball. Cover and let rest 10 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease 13 x 9 inch baking pan. Roll half of dough into 12 x 8 inch rectangle on lightly floured surface. Spread with 3 tablespoons butter. Combine brown sugar and remaining 4 teaspoons cinnamon; sprinkle half of mixture over dough. Roll up dough from short side; seal edge by brushing with water. Repeat with remaining dough. Slice one roll into 8 pieces and the other into 7 pieces. (According to recipe, but will depend on how thin/thick you slice your pieces). Arrange slices cut sides up in prepared pan. Cover; let rise about 30 minutes or until nearly doubled.

Bake for 25 to 40 minutes or until light brown. (Ours baked in about 20 minutes, so make sure to check your rolls often). Immediately invert rolls onto wire rack, then invert again. Cool slightly on wire rack. Combine powdered sugar, remaining 4 teaspoons milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla in small bowl; drizzle glaze over rolls. Serve warm or store in airtight container.

Basic Cream Cheese Icing/Frosting Ingredients

8 oz. cream cheese

½ cup butter, softened

4 cups powdered/confectioner’s sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Beat softened butter and cream cheese until well blended.

Add powdered sugar and vanilla. Beat until creamy.

Right out of the oven--before icing. Oh, so good!

A How-To On Receiving Free Products by Mail

How Do You Get All That Stuff For Free?

I get asked this question all the time. It never gets old because I love helping my family and friends save money! I’ve shared the links on my personal Facebook page, but since those easily get lost in the newsfeed, I thought it would be a good idea to do a post with all the information in one place.

I couponed for a LONG time, but when Miracle 2 came along I fell off the coupon train. I haven’t been able to find my way back for, well…let’s be honest…FOUR years! I do love couponing but I like to hit the stores alone. Since that is a rare occasion with little ones, I just lost interest—that whole time and season for everything type of deal. Right now, my season is soaking up all the time I can with my babies.

When I have a few moments, like the one I am having now because Miracle 1 is making a video of some sort and Miracle 2 is in deep concentration watching a video, I like to checkout freebie sites and review sites. Freebie sites are sites and/or Facebook pages that post links to free items. These are typically coupons for free products or trial size products that are sent to you in the mail. These sites also provide links to exceptionally priced items, as well as sweepstakes. Review sites are sites that you sign-up to become a member. Membership is free on all the sites I use and only takes a few minutes to complete. These sites want your feedback on products. They will send you products to try in exchange for honest feedback.

There are SO many freebie sites out there, but most post the same freebies on all their pages. For that reason, I just stick to one site. My favorite site right now is Freebie Shark. For convenience, I usually just go to their Facebook page to check-out the freebies and deals. You will have to click on the links they provide and sign-up for each deal that interests you separately. I highly recommend having a separate email account that you use when you sign-up because most companies will want you to agree to receiving their email newsletter in exchange for the freebie they are offering. I only spend a small amount of time doing this. Some people do it every day, some just when the notion strikes. I am somewhat the when-the-notion-strikes chick at the moment, which is more like when my kiddos are content doing their own thing. We just enjoyed a bag of Lay’s BBQ Potato Chips due to the notion striking me to check the site and sign-up for the deal.

My latest and most favorite thing has been review sites. I love these sites because they send full-size products in exchange for my honest reviews. Another plus to review sites is being able to include my family in the fun. The items they send are based on surveys they ask you to complete. This is great because you receive items that you and your family will actually use. I currently participate in three different review sites: Influenster, Smiley 360, and BzzAgent.

Influenster has a mobile app. I love this app because I can do everything right from my phone. Influenster’s review goodies come in a cool box called a VoxBox. My little people know when a VoxBox arrives and they get excited! Once your VoxBox arrives, you have to check it in. Then, there are tasks that you have to complete. A task might be posting to Facebook about the contents of your newest VoxBox. The instructions are simple and easy. I’ve only been an Influenster for a few months. So far, I have received full-size shampoo and conditioner, chips, Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt, and 3 full-size bottles of Body Armor drinks. The boxes usually come with coupons for other free products to try also.

BzzAgent is another of my favorites. Once you become a member of BzzAgent, you answer surveys to accumulate points. The points determine the number of BzzAgent Campaigns you are offered to participate in, but they also award points that are redeemable through another site called My Points. My Points can be redeemed for gift cards. Kohl’s, Starbucks, Home Depot, and Amazon are just a few of the gift cards I have received from My Points. Back to BzzAgent…

I recently received BIC Razors and Daisy Squeeze Sour Cream from BzzAgent. Both products came with several coupons. The company would like you to share these coupons with family and friends as you “Bzz” about their products. The Daisy Squeeze Sour Cream Campaign also came with recipe cards.

The third review site that I recently started using upon the advice of a fellow review friend is Smiley 360. I haven’t done as much with this company. Basically, I signed up and they started sending offers to my email which they call Missions. The coolest Mission I’ve been sent so far is the opportunity to receive a Sleep Number pillow in exchange for visiting a Sleep Number store and checking out a specific Sleep Number bed. Sounds easy enough! I still have a few weeks to complete the assignment, so we shall see!

If you would like to give review sites a try, you can easily click on the links below to sign-up. Remember, once you receive an item to try it is important to follow-up with reviews. Read the directions and make sure to include any wording they tell you to. For example, if I share anything about the Body Armor drinks, I must include the hashtag #BODYARMORMom and I state that I was given the item for free in exchange for my review.


Disclosure: All items mentioned from Bzz Agent, Influenster, and Smiley 360 were sent to me FREE in exchange for my honest reviews. All reviews are made based upon my own personal and honest experience with each product.